The Value Add.

Congratulations! You’ve found my blog. Insights abound, free of charge. But who am I, that you should care?

Well, I’m somebody who has figured out how to set up a website. That much is now fact.

I’ll keep it short. I believe in a thoughtful life that benefits others. So, in my day-to-day, I will be pondering how my shenanigans might be useful to you! (Hence, the value add). This blog will mostly depict the topics that run my life: starting a corporate job in sales, getting to know Boston, and building a social life.
**I’ll add to this list as it changes**

With that, happy reading! Hope my shenanigans prove entertaining and insightful for you. If you’d like to get notified when I drop some knowledge, hit the subscribe button (that I will figure out later, haha).